In our initial conversation, we'll just get to know each other and chat more about exactly what you’re looking for! We’ll review your project, timeline and budget so that we can make sure everyone’s on the same page. If needed, we will send a customized estimate. Once we’ve decided to move forward and to work together, we’ll finalize details, sign a contract, collect a deposit, and work begins!


In this stage, we’ll talk more specifics. We may send you a questionnaire to learn more about your goals and objectives or it might just be another phone call to chat about exactly what you’re looking for. This stage helps us know where and how to begin with your project. We’ll take down lots of notes and begin to explore ideas. We value open communication, so if there is ever anything you want to discuss, we’re just a phone call or text away!


We’ll continue working together as we move into the research stage. We’ll gather inspiration and examples, and we might have you put together visual inspiration within a Pinterest board. The goal is for you to be able to share what you’re thinking in a more visual way. Sometimes explaining what’s in your head is better done with pictures and examples rather than just words. We’ll also take this time to research competition, target audience and brand strategy.


Now it begins! We will be working hard, creating and designing, sketching and editing, gathering all our ideas into one cohesive project. You’ll receive an in-depth presentation of initial concepts where we walk you through everything created so far. This is a really exciting step as we start to see the vision come to life and we get to make some decisions! We ask more questions and give you the opportunity to provide honest, detailed feedback. 


Now that you’ve seen the designs and had the chance to give some feedback, we get back to work and make a plan on how to move forward. We’ll narrow down our ideas, get rid of what isn’t working and get back to the design. We will keep discussing your vision to make sure that the design is on track and moving in the right direction. You won’t be left in the dark at any point in the process, and if we have to revise, we will until you’re satisfied with the final result.


After all revisions are complete, it’s time to deliver final files and celebrate the new look! Once we know you’re satisfied with the final product, we’ll send an invoice for final payment. The designs are now yours, our contract is over, and we hope it’s not the last time we’ll work together! We’ll send you a wrap-up questionnaire that gives you the chance to give us feedback on the process. Any new, additional work is given a new contract and the process begins again!



We know this can all be a bit overwhelming, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Even if this is something you’re not sure if you’re ready for, we promise to always give our honest recommendations for what we think is the best fit for you business.